Smart cities often require large infrastructure projects, which are very extensive and expensive. One major risk of such projects is cost overruns. This project uses Internet-linked devices to monitor large construction sites to improve accountability for costs, worker safety and efficiency.

Life can be challenging for elderly people but thanks to this project, they will not need to leave their home. The “YourHouse 4.0” project deals with different everyday topics and offers solutions to how it is possible for elderly people to live independently – with the help of modern technology.

The energy contracting model allows for investments in energy efficiency and in renewable energy without high upfront investment costs from the building owner. A specialised company plans, builds and finances the energy efficiency measures while guaranteeing the project’s success.

“Smart Flex” is a smart price product for heat pumps. Thanks to daily information about the price, it can heat itself at a very low cost.

The Eberstalzell community is a Demo-region for methods to handle more electricity with existing grids. The motivation is an upcoming number of photovoltaic panels, electric heating as well as cooling and electric vehicles.

The project is a digital product to show how consumers can share self-produced pho-tovoltaic energy with family and friends.